Frequently Asked Questions
What is HTLA Middle School?
HighTech Los Angeles Middle School is a tuition-free public charter school serving grades 6 - 8. Just like a traditional public school, we receive state and federal funding, enabling us to remain tuition-free.
Who can attend HTLA Middle School?
Where is HTLA MS located?
HTLA MS is located on the campus of Van Nuys Middle School.
Is there a "sibling preference" when it comes to admission to HTLA MS?
Siblings are automatically admitted.
Are breakfast and lunch offered at the school?
Yes, breakfast and lunch are offered to all students. We participate in the Federal School Lunch program, which provides free or reduced-cost meals to qualifying students.
Does High Tech LA Middle School serve students with special needs and/or learning disabilities?
High Tech LA Middle School serves any student, no matter his or her learning style or cognitive ability. Our Special Education Director works with our teachers to identify students with special needs and ensure that they are set up for success by providing them with carefully targeted support. Notably, HTLA-MS implements an inclusion model, which means that we meet the vast majority of our IEP students' needs within the context of our mainstream classrooms.
For information from LAUSD’s Division of Special Education regarding enrollment procedures or other questions, please contact 213-241-6701.
If you’d like to attend any parent workshops or trainings regarding special education provided by LAUSD, visit the following links (LAUSD Parent Workshops and Trainings: dates, times, and locations and Local District Northeast/Northwest Trainings).
What types of extra support does the school provide for students who struggle academically?
HighTech LA Middle School commits to supporting every student who is ready to do the hard work of getting ready for college, no matter the student’s skill level when s/he first enters the school. The support that we provide comes in many forms, including:
Reading and math intervention courses
A school-wide advisory system
Daily before and after school school tutoring
Co-teaching for extra support in classes as needed
Is HTLA a Math/Science school?
HTLA MS is an inquiry-based school where the lines between "technical" and "academic" are deliberately blurred. While we encourage students with interests in math and science to apply, and while we provide exciting, cutting edge experiences in math and science, similar quality is to be found in the humanities and the arts. HTLA MS offers students a high quality broad-based education that will serve them in all phases of adult life.
What is curriculum integration?
Curriculum at HTLA MS is framed around answering questions and solving problems. Integration at HTLA MS means that we address issues as they are found in the real world -- in teams, studying questions and themes that cut across disciplines. In a well-integrated curriculum unit, students experience pursuing one important question or theme in several classes.
What types of technology do students at the school have access to?
Every student has a laptop computer, which they borrow from the school each year.
What skills or traits can help me be a successful student at High Tech LA Middle School?
Our goal is to prepare 100% of students to be successful in a college prep high school and eventually to earn a Bachelor's Degree in college. To help achieve this big goal, we have a curriculum for all High Tech LA Middle School students that is academically challenging, so that every student reaches that destination truly prepared. To succeed at High Tech LA Middle School, students must commit to:
Coming to school every day on time, ready to focus and learn
Completing 1 to 2 hours of nightly homework
Maintaining a growth mindset, which means working hard to learn new skills even if at first they are difficult or don’t come naturally to you
What types of opportunities are there for parents to be involved?
Parent involvement takes many forms. On an academic level, we ask parents to commit to attending their students’ advising conferences, which since Covid have taken place by Zoom twice a year. Every parent and every student have every teacher’s email address and phone number, and we encourage parents to maintain close communication with their students’ advisors and teachers.
We also use PowerSchool, a web-based portal for grades, so that parents can use their phones, laptops or tablets to go online and check their students’ progress. The school sends phone calls and texts whenever a student is missing from school, has missing or low-quality homework, or has been struggling to meet expectations in class.
On a volunteer level, parents can join PATH, our booster organization, as well as serve on our School Site Council, attend monthly workshops and family potlucks, and volunteer in the school when a need arises.
How does HighTech LA Middle School recruit and select teachers and staff?
Identifying, recruiting, and developing wonderful teachers, who are great both in the classroom and at advising students, is the most important work that High Tech LA Middle School's leaders do! We are working to build a world-class team that can inspire their students to be their best selves.
Is HighTech LA Middle School a for-profit corporation?
No! High Tech LA Middle School is a public school and a nonprofit organization. This means that most of our funding comes from the federal government and the State of California. The organization invests all of its money in the school to provide high quality programming and services for our students. We have an independent board of directors, and none of the individuals on the board are paid for their service; none of them makes a profit from the school.
I am interested in enrolling my student. What are the steps?
Enrolling in the school is an easy 3-step process that starts with submitting an admissions form. Please visit our enrollment page for details and directions.
I'm interested, but I still have more questions. How do I learn more?
Please contact our office! We also offer meetings or tours. We are eager to meet with your family, and arrange for you to visit, and/or speak with current HTLA Middle School students and teachers. You can reach us between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. at (818) 583-6229.